Quincy Library Group: Synopses of Related Reports, The Law and Scientific Papers 1993-2000


Quincy Library Group Community Stability Proposal 11/93-(QLG) *

Quincy Library Group’s initial agreement (signed by the group members) proposing a five year forestry and restoration demonstration program on local USFS lands. The proposal also includes digitized Landbase maps defining environmentally sensitive areas that would be precluded from timber harvest during the demonstration project. The proposal adopts the Scientific Assessment Team (SAT) Standards and Guidelines for Riparian Area Management.

Silviculture White Paper 11/93- (QLG)

Defines the methods proposed by QLG to reach the desired future condition: "all-age, multi-story, fire resistant forest approximating pre-settlement conditions."

"Ballpark Objectives" 11/93- (QLG)

Defines the annual acreage targets by type of silviculture proposed by QLG.

Feather River Sustained Yield Unit (QLG) 3/94

Proposal to USDA that some portion of local USFS timber harvest (based upon historical use) be reserved for local lumber mills.

Pennywise Pound Foolish (QLG) 9/94

Reviews local USFS firefighting costs in comparison to pre-fire fuels management. Proposes strategic fuelbreak system to be constructed at a scale and pace necessary to decrease the size and destructiveness of forest fires .

Technical Fuels Report (USFS) 7/95

Three national forests in QLG area develop maps and prescriptions for strategic fuelbreak system (defensible fuel profile zones) designed to reduce fire danger on forests.

Landscape Scale Strategies for Forest Fuel Management 6/96 (Weatherspoon and Skinner) [Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project Report to Congress-{SNEP} V. II, Ch. 56]

Develops information on possible methods to reduce fire danger on national forests. Cites QLG and Technical Fuel Reports as worthy strategies.

Coordinated Resource Management 6/96 (Kusel) [SNEP V. III, Ch. 24]

Highlights stream restoration activities of Feather River Coordinated Resource management group as model for cross jurisdictional, strategic activities.

Economic Assessment of the Ecosystem 6/96 (Stewart) [SNEP V. III, Ch. 23]

Defines annual values of various components of the Sierran ecosystem (e.g. water) to various users of the ecosystem (e.g. hydroelectric).

The QLG Fuelbreak Strategy 1/97 (QLG)

Review of QLG concepts of methods for implementation of the DFPZ system in the QLG area.

Forest Health Pilot Monitoring Plan 2/97 (USFS)

The three national forests in the Quincy Library Group area developed and published this comprehensive plan, using funds secured for USFS from the Secretary of Agriculture by QLG. The Plan was implemented in 1997-1999.

Northeastern California Ethanol Manufacturing Feasibility Study 12/97 (QLG et al)

This analysis of six prospective sites for the conversion of forest biomass to ethanol in NE California was co-authored with US DOE National Renewable Energy Laboratory, California Energy Commission, California Institute for Food and Agriculture Research and Plumas Corporation. It led to significant funding commitments from the private owners, State and Federal government for further research and development in this renewable energy area.

Herger Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act of 1998 (signed by President Clinton 10/98)

The Act featured annual reporting to Congress on Forest Service progress in meeting the environmental and forest thinning programs of the Act (The Pilot Project) as well as strict conformance with all environmental laws and an EIS to begin the project

Bioenergy and Watershed Restoration in the Mountainous Regions of the West: What Are the Environmental/Community Issues? 10/88 (Graham [Oak Ridge National Laboratory], Kaufmann [USFS Rocky Mountain Research] and Sheehan [Plumas Corp.])

This presentation, delivered to the BioEnergy ‘98; Expanding Bioenergy Partnerships Conference in Madison, WI, helped to define the various issues involved in widespread forest thinning.

Biomassing and Fire Risk in Western Forests 5/99 (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Presentation developed new personal computer based programs available to the public and USFS (shareware) for defining and visually displaying the long term (180 year) effect of forest thinnings contemplated in the QLG Act on forest stand structure.

A Regional Scale Analysis of Change in Water Yield Resulting from Potential Forest Thinning 5/99 (D. Huff et al - Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Modeling of prospective new water yield from forest thinning program in northeastern California. Greatest increase in high precipitation areas.

A Bibliography of Forest Soil Compaction Literature 6/99 (Blum- QLG)

Review of 500 scientific articles. 52 summarized and copied for library

Collins Pine/ BCI Biomass to Ethanol Project 8/99 (Yancey [NREL], Hinman [BCI], Sheehan [Plumas Corp.], Tiangco [CA Energy Commission])

Proceedings of Biomass Conference of the Americas. Review of R&D project status

Quincy Library Group Final Environmental Impact Study and Record of Decision 8/99 (USFS)

The FEIS and Decision officially define the commencement of the five year QLG program. Forty to seventy thousand acres per year of strategic thinning, an active riparian restoration program and the "QLG landbase" are described. It contains comprehensive monitoring and reporting mechanisms..

Draft Forest Health Pilot Monitoring Report 12/99 (USFS)

This annual report recommends further use of photos for distribution of visual results and includes chapters on Implementation Monitoring; Soils; Vegetation/Fuels and Watershed/Aquatic. It reports on the field tours conducted in cooperation with QLG.

Herger Feinstein QLG FY ‘99 Annual Status Report #1 to Congress 2/00 (USFS) Reviewed first full year’s activity of five year QLG Pilot Project. Primary activity was development of Final EIS.

A Real Cohesive Strategy- Quincy Library Group’s Response to the GAO Report and the Forest Service Response 6/00 (QLG)

QLG’s review of the USFS Cohesive Strategy, which is criticized by QLG for its over dependence on prescribed fire vs. mechanical thinning and prescribed fire.