March 2
, 2015

California Spotted Owl, Songbird, and Small Mammal Responses to Landscape Fuel Treatments; BioScience; September 3, 2014; here (03/02/2015)

Senator Feinstein Directed Collaboration Process Documents (02/16/15)

Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Independent Science Panel Pinchot Report (07/31/2013)

A Summary of Fuel Treatment Effectiveness in the Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Pilot Project Area (12/2010)

Plumas-Lassen Administrative Study Reports & PowerPoint Presentations updated (7/22/09)

Fire Behavior and Effects in Fuel Treatments and Protected Habitat on the Moonlight Fire (6/08)

The Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Project — Impacts of Vegetation Management on Water Yield (05/01/0)

Plumas-Lassen Administrative Study Reports (3/28/08)

HFQLG Implementation Lagging (03/1/08)

HFQLG Act Extended (03/1/08)

Moonlight ... What if? (03/1/08)

Appeals and Litigation Impeding Fuel Reduction and Restoration (03/1/08)

Report: Fire Behavior and Effects Relating to Suppression, Fuel Treatments, and Protected Areas on the Antelope Complex Wheeler Fire (12/5/07)

Memorandum and Order, Judge England regarding preliminary injunction on Slapjack, Basin and Empire projects (10/16/07)

Research on Spotted Owl response to fuel reduction projects (10/16/07)

Linda Blum presentation (7/6/07)

Calpine Fire Information (7/5/07)

Plumas-Lassen Administrative Study Reports (7/6/07)

Annual HFQLG Status Reports Forest Service reports to Congress that document the implementation of the HFQLG Pilot Project (Reports for 2004, 2005 and 2006 (draft)) (7/5/07)

Addition new document(s) associated with the Meadow Valley suit. (2/3/06)

Perspectives and opinions expressed by NEPA activists, QLG members and others related to the Meadow Valley project on the Mt. Hough Ranger District of the Plumas National Forest (2/18/05)

Annual HFQLG Status Reports Forest Service reports to Congress that document the implementation of the HFQLG Pilot Project (2/7/05)

Documents related to the Meadow Valley suit filed by several groups (2/2/05)

QLG files suit against Forest Service and Sierra Nevada Forest Plan Amendment (03/12/03)

QLG comments in response to the Notice of Intent for the Administrative Study (January 2003)

QLG letter to Regional Forester Jack Blackwell regarding Administrative Study (December 2002)

Eagle Lake District, Lassen National Forest Projects (December 2002)

QLG letter to Dr. Peter Stine regarding Administrative Study (December 2001)

QLG vote to discontinue regular public meetings (November 27, 2001)

QLG letter to Mr. Mark Rey, Under Secretary of Agriculture (November 23, 2001)

Economic effect of the Sierra Nevada Framework on the Herger-Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act (November 2001)

QLG letter to Dr. Peter Stine regarding Administrative Study (May 2001)

QLG letter to 3 Forest Supervisors regarding Environmental Assessment alternatives (May 2001)

Sierra Nevada Framework Appeal (April 22, 2001)

California Spotted Owl Administrative Finding (USF&WS) October 2000

Synopses of Related Reports, The Law and Scientific Papers 1993-2000. October 2000

QLG Comments on the Sierra Nevada Framework for Conservation and Collaboration DEIS. August 2000

A Real Cohesive Strategy --The Quincy Library Group's Response to the GAO Report and the Forest Service Response June 2000

Forest Service Cohesive Strategy May 2000

The Quincy Library Group and Collaborative Planning within the U.S. National Forests, Charles Davis M. Dawn King. May 2000

The Real Danger to the California Spotted Owl The Lack of Accountability at the Forest Service- A Double Standard Between The QLG "Mitigation" and the Management of the Bucks Fire on the Plumas National Forest, John Sheehan. December 1999

QLG appeal of Herger Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act Final Environmental Impact Statement

QLG comments on the Herger Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Dr. Jared Verner Review of "A Preliminary Report on the Status of the California Spotted Owl in the Sierra Nevada"; USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Fresno, California; 7 July 1999

Oakridge National Laboratory Research
    1) Biomassing and Fire Risk in Western Forests. K. Hollenstein, W. Shepperd, R.L. Graham, and K. Barber. 1999. Presentation made at the May meeting of the Western Biomass Association, Lake Tahoe, California.
    2) A Regional-Scale Analysis of Change in Water Yield Resulting from Potential Forest Thinning. D.D. Huff, R.L. Graham, N.T. Nikolov, W.W. Hargrove, and M.L. Tharp. 1999. Presentation made at the May meeting of the Western Biomass Association, Lake Tahoe, California.

    3) Bioenergy and Watershed Restoration in the Mountainous regions of the West: What
are the Environmental/Community Issues?
R. L. Graham, D. D. Huff, M. R. Kaufmann and W. D. Shepperd and J. Sheehan.  Paper presented at BioEnergy '98: Expanding Bioenergy Partnerships, Madison, Wisconsin, October 4-8, 1998.

The QLG Open Meeting Resolution and Information (May 19, 1999)

Congressional letter to Chief Dombeck (May 19, 1999)

High Country News Article "A quiet victory in Quincy" (November 9, 1998)

Bioenergy and Watershed Restoration in the Mountainous regions of the West: What are the Environmental/Community Issues? R. L. Graham, et al. (March 12, 1999)

QLG letter to Kent Connaughton regarding Sierra Nevada Framework Content Analysis of public comment (March 7, 1999)

QLG letter to Steve Clausen of the Sierra Nevada Framework regarding Riparian Buffer concepts suggested by several public commenters (March 7, 1999)

U. S. Forest Service Draft Alternatives for Herger-Feinstein QLG Forest Recovery Act (February 23, 1999)

QLG Case Study by George Terhune (February 13, 1999)

QLG Comments on the Sierra Nevada Forest Plan Amendment EIS (January 24, 1999)

QLG Scoping Comments on the Herger-Feinstein QLG Forest Recovery Act Notice of Intent (January 18, 1999)

The Economic Implications of Energy Production from Forest Residuals (White paper by Gregory Morris, Green Power Institute) (November 23, 1998)

QLG Comments to Sierra Nevada Framework for Conservation & Collaboration (October 3, 1998)

Friends of Plumas Wilderness Conservationist Alternative (September 19, 1998)

The Use of Fuelbreaks in Landscape Fire Management by James K. Agee, et. al. (September 19, 1998)

Listing of Fuelbreak related papers (September 19, 1998)