March 31, 1994
Mr. Michael Jackson
Ms. Linda Blum
Mr. Michael Yost
P.O. Drawer 207
Quincy, CA 95971
Dear Mike, Mike and Linda:
I am writing to thank you for meeting with me week before last in Sacramento and to review our conversation. In response to my subsequent conversations about our meeting with the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Sierra Club, I have enclosed a letter from Sami, Frannie and I raising some questions about the Quincy Library Group (OLG) proposal that we would like the QLG to answer. You will note that many of the questions in the letter are issues that we discussed last week, but I believe it is important, especially in communicating with those not at our meeting, that you respond to the questions.
Overall, I was very impressed with your openness and the changes in the QLG proposal since last September. Also, your expressed willingness to make changes in the written Quincy Library Group proposal should help gain additional support.
I was happy to learn that all logging done under the QLG proposal will be consistent with the CASPO policy until the Forest Service-- has completed its California spotted owl EIS and adopted a long term management strategy. In addition, I was glad to hear that all activities would be done in strict compliance with NEPA, including full public participation. I also agree with you and others, that an amendment to the forest plans is the appropriate process for implementing the QLG proposal.
In terms of the QLG written statement, as we discussed, several changes will need to be made in order to potentially garner the support of TWS and other national environmental organizations. As we discussed, The Wilderness Society (TWS) cannot support the statement, "The landbase on which to develop these strategies would include the broadest landscape possible" (p. 1). In addition, we can not support the statement that implementation of the QLG proposal, "will expand the existing landbase available
(415) 541-9144
for timber production beyond that currently "zoned" for timber production ..." (p.2). Likewise, the statement that "this method of management ... be implemented for five years while the Regional EIS for CASPO is being prepared, decided, appealed and litigated" concerns us and does not reflect our recent conversation. After consultation with our Washington office, other areas of concern may arise. Though we did not have much time to devote to it, the issue of a working circle or sustained yield unit presents some issues that will need to be resolved.
Thanks again for taking the time to explain the current state of the QLG proposal. Dialogue and communication are valuable tools and can alleviate confusion and concerns, as our experience last week demonstrates. I hope that you can find time in the next week to respond to the questions raised in our enclosed letter. In closing, I would like to reiterate my willingness to work with you to clarify any confusion and to resolve any remaining issues. Hoping to hear from you soon, I am,
Very truly yours, /s/ Louis Blumberg |
cc:Frannie Hoover Waid
Sami Yassa
Sunday, January ,(, /),( 0(:,(:,( AM