October 15, 1993, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

1. Approval of Agenda

2. On Oct. 25-26 California Senate Natural Resources & Wildlife
Committee hearings will be held at the Feather River Inn at Blairsden. There is a tentative agenda available from Mike DeLasaux at the UC Office. The morning session, Oct. 26th will focus on the efforts of the QLG and success to date. Bill Coates, Tom Nelson, Mike Jackson and possibly Mike Yost will serve on the QLG panel. Following QLG presentation will be USFS presentation, CRM presentation, CDF presentation followed by public testimony.

3. Committee Reports:
A. Maps Comm. - Ed Murphy
Reported on the results of the changes on the maps since the last meeting. Numerical quad base system from USFS used on creating the map. Reported the total acres per forest by classification i.e.; total base, Pair Activity Center system outside deferred areas, deferred wilderness, non-commercial. Ed has the complete information available. The map does not show the working circle boundaries, USFS will be producing the working circle boundaries; will have available as soon as possible.

Discussion concerning procedure of making mapping information available to public . It was decided that if there is any group or person that wants the mapping information it's the USFS responsibility to get the information to the requesting parties. The data is considered public information - federal and state agencies are discussing how to handle the ES (Endangered Species) data. Linda Blum, authorized correspondent, will write a letter to the USFS, saying they may give the information to anyone who requests it. Frank Ferguson, USFS discussed how the process occurs within the USFS Supervisors & Regional offices. The rules and regulations of the Endangered Species Act will apply to information concerning the PACs, Spotted Owl Habitat Areas. Reproducing the maps can be done for other organizations for $150.00 at Vestra in Redding.

A motion was made by Tom Nelson, seconded by Linda Blum, and carried to formally pass the maps onto the USFS representative Frank Ferguson of the Plumas National Forest Supervisors Office. A motion was made by Mike Jackson, seconded by Tom Nelson and carried to sell the map to who ever will pay the fee of $150.00 for reproduction at Vestra in Redding.

B. Monitoring Plan - Steve Self
The Pacific Southwest Forest & Range Experiment Station, out of Redding, is putting together a monitoring plan to give us some ideas about approaching the QLG proposal, a draft will be available next week and a copy will be forwarded to Dr. Verner (CASPO). We will need to monitor to see if we are meeting objectives. Long-term monitoring is objective driven. Steve and Ed will present a rough draft on what the objectives will be at the next meeting. We are breaking new ground in this area because there is no historic program to follow. Watershed issues were discussed, John Sheehan has the detailed analysis of the East branch of Feather River watershed, reports could give us direction as to where we should go the first year out. Some place we can agree on, that will have an end result in five years.

C. Transition Committee - Ed Murphy
The transition comm. did not meet but has scheduled a management team meeting on the Lassen Forest on 11/9/93. The Plumas scheduling the same as soon as possible. On Oct. 27th Frank Ferguson, PNF, will be in Sac meeting with the regional office on the adaptive management plan. The transition team is meeting with the SO before district meeting, in the process of scheduling everyone and meeting. Mike Jackson suggested that a 1 hour session to try and design a timber sale so we'll have more understanding of what we need, want, info etc. Feels we need a project in the pipeline before 6/94, need to start prioritizing from the landbase map on what direction to go. The EIS team wants our maps to compare so they won't be interfering with the planned arrangement of the QLG; Ed will be getting numbers to the EIS team.

4. Review of Oct. 2nd Field Trip - Linda Blum Attached written report.
Discussion of next field trip; possible places to visit are Lassen National Forest Westside, Butterfly Valley, Claremont. Mike Kossow, Steve Self, Bill Howe, Linda Blum, Keith Crumer, Tuma will organize the next field trip, location to be announced.

5. PNF Comm. Stab. Prop. Activities - Frank Ferguson - Warren Fisher

A. Trying to lump money in areas that are needed to implement projects of QLG.
B. What can we do to generate funds for this year, 95 and beyond for QLG.
C. This year we are going over current budgets to determine where we are.
D. There are no bottom line numbers yet.
E. Frank Ferguson committed to having the numbers by next week. Mr. Thornton's main problems are technical issues in the budget, to many small pots, need large blocks of dollars.
F. The Lassen has only preliminary figures.
G. The Plumas has lost 11 million dollars, what are the losses on the other forests in 192-193. Can we use this information to calculate what we need to implement the QLG proposal? We need to keep people in place on the forests. Can we use Stewardship contracts? What are the base level number of people that are needed? Definite shortfall in the timber depts. & engineering depts. Fish and hydrologist need to be added in LNF.

6. Becknel/Last Chance Response Letter was accepted with changes.

7. Concerns of Carl Pew:
Discussion of signature on proposal in terms of supporting the document as it is written. Carl feels he needs to wait to see if his concerns are addressed before signing. Of major concern is, will the timber cut in working circle be manufactured in the circle and would there be monitoring of where the timber is going? Response of Ed Murphy: We (SPI) are recommending a circle be formed: we are entering into a federal process to establish a working circle; hearings will be held; environmental documentation in place; Sec. of Ag. would have to establish the working circle and monitoring of the timber and where it is going would be necessary. Frank Ferguson: Fred Kruger is in the process of doing a briefing paper on the working circle. Ferguson can discuss the issue at the next meeting to address any further concerns about the working circle. Mr. Pew was reminded that the group will be the ones to form the working circle document. Mike Jackson remarked that there is already a large loop hole by exempting the (SSTS/SBA) small logger from the working circle requirement to manufacture the timber in the working circle. A Sub-Committee was organized to write the Sustain Yield Unit document, to be able to function during the hearings for public input and to work with the USFS. The committee will determine historical patterns of where the logs have gone, can we maintain status quo and harvest levels, definitions of manufacturers needs to be stated. QLG can make recommendations as to where the document should go. Committee members are F.Ferguson, F.Kruger, J.Sheehan, M.Shaffer, S.Baremore, T.Gregory, F.Stewart, P.Harris, B.Howe, Chair. Bill Coates offered the County Counsels services, at County expense, to advise Committee members to ensure that there is no collusion. Rob Shulman to advise Committee members before Committee meets. Mike DeLasaux will clarify the goal of the committee.

8. "Lead Group", Yreka Adaptive Management Meeting - Jackson, Self.
The Lead Group is new, made up of leaders from Hayfork, Applegate, Siskiyou, Shasta and Plumas. Impression of meeting was good. A letter to Mr. Tuckman was presented inviting him and the interagency team to their next meeting. M.Jackson & S.Self did not sign the letter because they did not have authorization on behalf of the QLG and we are under a different EIS and EA process. It was also agreed upon that we would not buy into the Administration's plan for the owl. The main goal of the meeting; How are we going to operate adaptive management in Option 9 areas. S.Self felt he was under a "microscope", the other groups felt threatened by us and they are curious as to the sociological ties between us (QLG). The next meeting is set for Oct. 22nd in Redding and S.Baremore, Ed Murphy and T.Gregory will attend. it was decided that P.Simpson and T.Nelson should call Mr. Tuckman to invite him here before Nov. 5th because Mr. Lyons has a meeting with Mr Tuckman on Nov. 6th to discuss the issues on the "Lead Groups" agenda, funding etc. E.Murphy feels we can help other groups by showing Tuckman how we have gotten this far on budget items so they can go forward.

9. Response to article in Feather River Bulletin from Sonya Anderson.
S.Baremore & R. Comstock asked the group to support the letter, support was granted with some changes. P.Harris also responded by sending a letter to the paper clarifying the union's position on the QLG proposal. It was also suggested that CWIT (CA Women in Timber) hold a meeting with QLG panel members to address any further concerns. M.Jackson said he would write a letter to the editor on behalf of the QLG to inform the public of the success we've had so far. J.Redd made the motion to do so, S.Self seconded, carried.

10. Becknel/Last Chance Response Letter:
Discussion of letter contents, recommendations to use the word deferred rather than off base and clarify again that E.Murphy and L.Blum have authorization to sign correspondence for QLG, mention the Sequence issue and the cost of litigation. M.DeLasaux will send letter concerning signatures. J.Redd made motion,, T.Nelson seconded, so carried to send letter with changes.

11. Butterfly Valley Ecosystem Mgt. Project -R. Russell
This is a watershed mgt. project, preliminary info map, 3500 acres of Soper Wheeler, USFS and private land involved. Interest in putting a trail in the Botanical Garden area, ID team is formed and process began on ground, public input, parking, etc. yet to be worked out. Explained the process thus far that brought them to include the entire watershed. Moneys have been appropriated to do the work; cost share contract with Plumas Corp. A grant was awarded to Plumas Corp to make this a comprehensive watershed plan. A Tech. Advisor comm. has taken the place of the ID team so public involvement can be implemented.

Goals: complete and identify the resource work, reduce fire hazards with biomass and cooperation with private land owners. Hope to complete the CDF watershed mgt. plan for the lower valley by Spring 1994. Desire to mesh the watershed mgt. plan with the lower valley and correlate with what QLG wants to implement for the proposal and Ecosystem Management Areas. It was suggested that we go to Butterfly Valley to lay out a Ecosystem Management Areas as an example project area.

12. Restoration School - Mike Kossow
Fish and Game had requested of the Salmonid Restoration Federation to put together an educational program concerning restoration in a workshop, seminar form. Funding has previously been turned down, looking for suggestions on subjects for workshops and funding. Labor Dept. has training money, old growth restoration money. Coates to check into availability of funds. QLG will help Mike, if possible. Good response to have seminar for five days at UC Camp.

13. Tom Nelson made motion to accept list of steering committee members as amended, S.Self seconded, motion carried.

Next meeting date set for Nov. 5th at 9 a.m. with destination of field trip to announced.


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