P.O. Box 1749, Quincy CA 95971

March 15, 1996

Mr. Lynn Sprague, Regional Forester
USDA Forest Service - Pacific Southwest Region
630 Sansome Street
San Francisco, California 94111

via fax to (415) 705-1109

RE: Barkley Fire Salvage Sale, Lassen National Forest

Dear Mr. Sprague:

Today at our Quincy Library Group meeting, Lassen Forest Supervisor Leonard Atencio announced the he will re-offer the Barkley fire salvage sale in the near future. He stated that the advertisement will be made March 19, and that "the Barkley sale will sell on April 3." As you know, the Barkley sale lies entirely within the QLG off-timber-base and "deferred" areas, and as such is inconsistent with the QLG proposal.

Mr. Sprague, we consider the selling of Barkley to be a serious breach of your stated commitment to work in partnership with us. We are strongly opposed to this action on the Lassen and are prepared to take whatever steps are necessary to avert this action. Please contact us as soon as possible for more details and/or your response to this unexpected and unwelcome announcement.

We respectfully ask you to rescind the Barkley fire salvage sale and not to allow similar problems in the future.

For the Quincy Libary Group

    /s/               /s/
Linda Blum     Edward Murphy
Corresponding Secretary Corresponding Secretary