Economic Effects of the Sierra Nevada Framework on the Herger Feinstein Quincy Library Group Forest Recovery Act


The social and economic effects of the Record of Decision for the Sierra Nevada Framework with its restrictive landbase and standards and guidelines can be measured in the $14.4 million swing of four projects that were originally listed as revenue producing Timber Sales under the Fiscal Year 2001 Implementation Plan. The effect of the Sierra Nevada Framework on these projects was to cause them to be offered as non-revenue producing Service Contracts.


Fiscal Year 2001 Projects as described in the Implementation Plan as based on the CASPO Interim Guidelines

Fiscal Year 2001 Projects Acres Estimated Merchantable
Sawlog Volume
Estimated Timber
Sale Revenue

Kingsbury Rush

Upper Slate

Lower Slate









81.6 million board feet







Fiscal Year 2001 Projects as affected by the Sierra Nevada Framework Standards and Guidelines

Fiscal Year 2001 Projects Acres Estimated Merchantable
Sawlog Volume
Service Contract Costs

Kingsbury Rush

Upper Slate

Lower Slate









+/- 1 million board feet



